Safety Policies and Protocols
(Updated 09/09/2022)
These policies and protocols are in addition to standard hygiene and sanitation practices that have always been in place. Detailed standard cleaning protocols and procedures are available upon request.
On the day of your treatment, please refrain from visiting crowded public spaces or meeting with those who have tested positive for Covid19 within 10 days of your appointment.
If you are feeling any of these symptoms prior to your appointment, please call to reschedule:
A new or worsening cough
A fever
Shortness of breath
If you've been in close contact with anyone with these symptoms or anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 10 days
Please do not bring any guests. Only the client will be allowed in the business space, all guests will be asked to wait outside. Exceptions can be made if necessary, please contact to discuss.
A face mask will be worn at all times by the therapist.
A face mask must be worn by the client while in the shared business space before and after the massage session, and while laying face up on the table. If the client does not have a face mask one will be offered free of charge. If a client is fully vaccinated against Covid19 with proof, and chooses to share their vaccination status with the therapist, they will have the option to not wear their mask while face down on the table during their session.
Maintain 6 feet of physical distance whenever possible.
Client will be asked to wash/sanitize their hands prior to start of session.​
Gloves can be worn by therapist at the request of the client.
In an effort to keep the check-out process as quick and contact-less as possible, I'm offering several cash-less options for payment. Please see my FAQ page (here) for current payment options.
Extended time has been added between sessions to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the practice space. This includes (but is not limited to) sanitizing all hard and soft surfaces and airing out the space. Detailed Covid-19 cleaning protocols and procedures are available upon request.
A HEPA air purifier will be used while in session. They have been shown to effectively catch particles the size of the Covid-19 virus and are beneficial when used during prolonged exposure in a healthcare setting.